Chrissy Teigen Posted a No-Makeup Selfie to Show What Really Happens to Your Skin Postpregnancy –

Chrissy Teigen Posted a No-Makeup Selfie to Show What Really Happens to Your Skin Postpregnancy

Today, Chrissy Teigen is an official member of the postpregnancy beauty club. Welcome! Most are initiated into this club not immediately after the birth of a child, when the world is veiled in a mostly lovely haze composed of equal parts maternal elation, extreme sleep deprivation, and the kindness of strangers. No, the reality of your altered postpregnancy beauty universe may not set in for weeks or months, when you’ve finally fallen into some kind of normal-ish new reality only to realize that your looks have not. Your body, hair, and skin have not, as anticipated, easily bounced back to their prepregnancy state. In fact, they may be rapidly deteriorating.

Don’t worry—most of it is temporary. But all that lush hair fertilized by your nine-month estrogen surge? It’s in your shower drain looking like a drowned cat. The baby bump? Oh, it’s basically still there, just shrunken to five-months proportions. Instead of saying “you look amazing for just having had a baby” (thanks?), random passers-by helpfully comment that you look tired. And if your skin was lucky enough to attain that mythical “pregnancy glow” instead of a series of throbbing pimples? Congratulations but sorry, glow was the first casualty of your new sleep schedule (11 P.M. to 1:30 A.M. and 3:45 A.M. to 5:30 A.M.). In its place, as your hormones continue to adjust/rage, you’ll likely encounter a new kind of sallowness, ridiculous dryness/oiliness (maybe both at once!), and perhaps even get some unfamiliar and unwelcome new skin issues, like the one that Teigen revealed on Snapchat last night.

“Goodbye pregnancy glow. Hi itchy red spots,” she wrote in her caption. I feel you, sister. Coming up on my third baby’s first birthday and just in time for summer, the back of my arms still have a foreign mottled-red appearance (Pregnancy-induced rosacea? Is that a thing? I lack free time to Google it, let alone go to a derm.) But back to you, Chrissy: As your mom has probably already told you, this too shall pass. Most of it, anyway. Just be really diligent with the sunscreen, as we’re sure you are, because the postpregnancy melasma is real.

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