There are few icebreakers better than “I track my sex life in an Excel spreadsheet.” I learned this in 2017, when I decided to expand on a scribbled sex diary I kept in 2016 and transform it into a fully-fledged, color-coded spreadsheet, rife with data functions and of-the-moment notes. One of the first questions people
“It’s War!” declares Life & Style magazine, claiming that Angelina Jolie is green with envy that lookalike Megan Fox is stealing her spotlight—and possibly her defining role in the upcoming Tomb Raider prequel. PHOTO: Getty Images BEVERLY HILLS, CA – JANUARY 15: Actress Angelina Jolie arrives at the 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards at the
Ladies, I’d like to introduce you to Carlo… PHOTO: AP IMAGES FOR Stirrings Cute, huh? He’s the Naked Bartender behind a new line of E-cards by Stirrings, the makers of all-natural cocktail mixers and fun bar stuff. And after meeting him, I’m convinced that au naturel drinks should always be served by a bartender in
Holidays got you all riled up? Then how about we cut to the chase and discuss what male body parts get your knees a knockin’ and your boots a shakin’? Naturally, I’ve included some gratuitous shots for your viewing pleasure (and to remind you of all the wonderful parts there are for us to love):
Sometimes inviting that special someone over requires a little more than natural confidence. Once, a friend of mine asked a guy with decorating expertise if he’d like to see her accent wall. Read on for excuses that range from clever and subtle to flat-out brazen. PHOTO: Getty Images/Creatas RF Couple on stoop “My roommate’s out
Sæsonen premiere af Big Bang teorien er i aften! Jeg elsker showet, og jeg ved, at mange af jer er fans også, så jeg er glad for at kunne dele denne sjovt Q & A med dig. Tidligere i denne uge chatte jeg med Mayim Bialik, som spiller Amy Farrah Fowler. Vi gabbed om hendes
Yesterday, The Girls in the Beauty Department were talking about happy ending manicures. Funny timing because this weekend, my friend told me about her own experience with a happy ending massage. You’ll never believe this… Here’s her story: I went to a cheap spa while on vacation in Florida. It wasn’t at all fancy–everyone lay
Remember when the boys in elementary school used to pull your hair when they liked you? What if we turned the tables and showed them how much we like ’em back by introducing a bit of hair-tugging in bed? PHOTO: Getty Images/Brand X Woman getting dressed The thing is, hair-pulling should be hot, not hurt.
Så længe mennesker har vandret jorden, har vi stillet visse spørgsmål: Er der liv efter døden? Går den afdødes afstivede ånd iblandt os? Kan vi have sex med spøgelser? Selvom 1990-filmen Spøgelse kom tæt på at svare mindst en af dem, jeg vil være ærlig: min seksuelle opvågning kom som følge af den varme spøgelses
When I met my second husband in 1987, he was wearing a dress. He’d come to present to my women’s study group about being a cross-dresser. Among the four presenters was a postoperative transsexual, another cross-dressing man, and an androgynous individual, presenting partially as female, partially male. I found myself wildly attracted to the man
Hvornår Esquire spurgte mere end 1.000 mænd, “Hvor meget har du eller vil du lide at gå til en stripklub?”, Sagde 68 procent “lidt” eller “ikke engang lidt”. Kun 7 procent svarede “umådeligt”. Jeg plejede at være en prude weirdo, som var bange for at sige, hvor meget jeg hadede stripklubber. Nu ved at vide
Nogle få modige læsere har fortalt os om deres vildeste seksuelle oplevelser, herunder en racy road trip og kreativ voksning. Nå i dag taler en læser om hendes en-nat-stand med to mennesker…. Her er vores læsers historie: Jeg var på en bar med en flok gamle kollegavenner, og vi blev ret fulde. I slutningen af
Caroline* started watching porn by accident. The 26-year-old didn’t grow up seeking it out and until five years ago hadn’t seen any without the nudge of a male partner. Even if she found a mainstream video she liked at first, something would usually end up going wrong, like fake-sounding breathing, cheesy music, or a “Miami