Sex-Love-Life – Page 23 –

Category: Sex-Love-Life

10 Physical Qualities That Instantly Make Men Insanely Attractive

It’s officially spring! Even if you live in a place like NYC that has decided to disregard that and dump some more snow on its citizens, you can carry that knowledge around with you to stay warm. One of the best things about this season is spring fever, when people suddenly find everyone attractive thanks

Dating Poll: How Long Do You Wait For a Guy to Call/Text You?

I just made one of the more humiliated female-appropriated moves: after hearing nothing for a few days, I texted him. It even happens in The Matrix, playa! Which was clearly a mistake, seeing as it’s pretty easy to know when dude’s ready to bail after the ol’ Date 3. I’m pretty sure I have a

Vil du bære dage-of-the-week undertøj?

Kan du huske den scene i Da Harry mødte Sally om dage-i-ugen undertøj? Sally forklarer hvorfor hun og hendes kæreste Sheldon havde brudt op…. * Sally: Nå, hvis du skal vide, var det fordi han var meget jaloux, og jeg havde disse dage i ugen underbukser. Harry: Ehhhh! Undskyld. Jeg har brug for dommerens afgørelse

What Movie Title Best Describes Your Sex Life?

Is it me or are TTTs (Twitter trending topics) getting more hilarious and creative by the day? #describeyoursexlifewithamovietitle is trending and it looks like most people would rather tweet than turn off the “out of office” message and get back to work. (Guilty as charged!) PHOTO: Woman lying on top of man using computer

How to Tell If You’re Actually Dating or Just “Hanging Out”

A few nights ago I asked my girlfriend Emma how her boyfriend was—and she almost spit her wine out. I thought something super juicy was coming. I was wrong. “I don’t have a boyfriend. He’s not my boyfriend. Wait, why, do you think he’s my boyfriend? IS HE MY BOYFRIEND?” Call me crazy, but I

Peach Butt Emoji er død. Long Live the Peach Butt Emoji!

Før Apple udgav en forhåndsvisning af sin iOS 10.2-opdatering på mandag, havde internettet to spørgsmål om dens tanker: Hvilke emojis ville blive inkluderet i opdateringen, og hvordan kunne de indarbejdes i vores sexting-rutiner? Mens Apples opdatering indeholder nogle spændende nye tilføjelser til sit emoji-bibliotek, herunder en efterlængt avocado, er svaret på det andet spørgsmål noget

Where Is Apolo Anton Ohno’s Mom?

You’ve heard of soccer moms, right? They stand on the sidelines in shirts that have their kid’s name sewn on it and hand out orange slices at halftime. In our society, we expect to see Mom cheering her champ on, cooking big pasta feeds the night before a game and laundering a grass-stained uniform. Olympic

8 Steamy Shower Sex Positions at prøve i aften

Hvem bliver ikke lidt tændt, når deres partner slutter sig til dem i brusebadet? Det kaskende vand, dampen, de lækre aromaer, der venter gennem luften, og den spankende rene, nøgne hud er totale afrodisiakum. Hvorfor flytte tingene til soveværelset, når du kan få det på lige der i brusebadet? Læs videre for otte bruser sex