Strange But True Beauty Story: Hairspray for Your Face! –

Strange But True Beauty Story: Hairspray for Your Face!

OK, full disclosure: Even though I know it’s bad to do, I’ve slept in my makeup plenty of times, usually because I’m too lazy to take it off–not because I can’t bear to be without it! But the other day, I had my makeup done for an event at the Laura Geller makeup studio by an awesome pro named Selenia. She finished the makeup session with a spritz of a makeup sealer called Invisible Finish Make-Up Setting Spray by Beauty Icon, kind of like hair spray for your face. It looked so amazing that I couldn’t bear to wash it off before bed so

0917 dewy cheeks andy debb backstage beauty li
PHOTO: 2008 Getty Images
0917 dewy cheeks andy debb backstage beauty li
PHOTO: 2008 Getty Images

Models at Andy + Debb’s Spring ’09 show had the kind of perfect, dewy-cheeks I’d want 24-7.

I decided not to take it off with hopes that maybe the false lashes she put on would last another day or two. Shockingly, when I woke up, my whole makeup still looked fantastic! Really! So I took a bath instead of a shower, ran a q-tip with makeup remover under my eyes to catch the very little black liner that had run, swiped on new lipstick, got dressed and left the house feeling fantastic!

I went to a breakfast with Dr. Howard Murad, the skin doc/guru that morning (more on that breakfast to come in a future post) and he–a beauty pro!–complimented my day-old makeup look! I also ran into a few colleagues at breakfast who all complimented my makeup too! No one could tell that I hadn’t washed my face in two days and my makeup was pushing 24 hours!

So yes, it sounds a little gross, but it didn’t feel gross–it felt great to get a second day out of a makeup application, kind of like getting your hair done and not having to do it for a few days afterward! Plus, I love it as I felt I really got my makeup’s and money’s worth!

So tell me, am I the only one who’s worn the same makeup two days in a row? And if not, would you dare? Got any other great make-it-last makeup tips to share with the rest of us?

Photo: Getty Images

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