17 Things to Do With Carrots – golinmena.com

17 Things to Do With Carrots

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I always have a million carrots in my fridge. Dinner, dessert, lunch, side dishes, snacks, even breakfast–carrots tend to play a starring roll in my cooking. Here are 17 ways to get more of one of the world’s most nutritious veggies …

****1. Steam them, mash them, then add to marinara sauce (no one will know they’re there!)

  1. Grate and add to muffins.

  2. Make low-fat carrot cake.

  3. Grate and add to stir fries and fried rice dishes (fried rice with lots of veggies + carrots is what I had for dinner last night!).

  4. Grate on top of granola or muesli in the morning.

  5. Make carrot-ginger soup–it’s so comforting when you have a cold.

  6. Bake peanut-butter-carrot cookies.

  7. Make a classic carrot-raisin salad.

  8. Make a cooling carrot “raita”–plain yogurt, mint, spices … mmmmm.

  9. Add to veggie sushi. Carrot + avocado is a favorite in my house.

  10. Make a decadent side dish: brown-sugar-glazed carrots (but use agave nectar, and use just a drizzle).

  11. Dip in hummus (but you already do that).

  12. Add them to banana bread (here’s some inspiration, though not particularly low-cal).

  13. Make carrot pickles.

  14. Steam them, and mash them into mashed potatoes.

  15. Put them in turkey meatloaf (no, I’m not stuck in 1983–but I do love turkey meatloaf!).

  16. Juice them with apples and limes.

What’s your favorite thing to do with our favorite veggie?

P.S. Here’s more fun with food: 16 things to do with yogurt! Oh, and one more carrot trick–forgot this one!

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Photo: iStock

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