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Category: Health-Fitness

Think You Might Be Depressed? Test Yourself Here

Before you consider taking an antidepressant, it’s important to assess how you’re really feeling. “If you’re not truly depressed, these drugs won’t alter your mood,” says Sanjay Mathew, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry and an attending physician at the Mood and Anxiety Disorder Program of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. But

10 Celebs Who DGAF About Diets (And Healthy Eating)

When you’re a celebrity, looking ridiculously fit is part of the gig, which is why we regularly hear stars publicly drone on about how much they absolutely love eating broiled salmon, quinoa, and raw spinach for dinner every night of the week. But! For every kale-obsessed A-lister, there’s another famous person willing to get real

These Exercise GIFs Prove Working Out Can Be Fun! Well, Or At Least Funny

Oh my. People do some amazing things in the name of exercise—and sometimes the result is hilarious. Here are some GIFs to prove it. (Forewarning: People do really crazy things with exercise balls.) Exercise ball stunt gone awesome: Exercise ball stunt gone awry: Another exercise-ball-related fail: And…more exercise balls!: [![Exercise ball stunt Funny Animated Player

Ginger Zee of ‘Good Morning America’ on Recovering From Anorexia

In 2016, ABC News chief meteorologist Ginger Zee opened up about her battle with anorexia, which she struggled with from ages 10 to 14 following her parents’ divorce. “It was a horrendous spiral that could have taken my life,” Zee revealed. “My mom was scared she was going to lose her daughter.” Zee admitted that

I Tried It: Russian Yogurt

Have you noticed that yogurt has gotten very international lately? Now at any old grocery store you can pick up Greek, Icelandic, European and now … Russian yogurt, which I tried over the weekend … I recently picked up a container of Pavel’s Russian Yogurt, Lowfat, (available at grocery stores nationwide) and had no idea

This Is What a Healthy Vagina Looks Like

If you’re trying to keep your vagina healthy, you’re definitely not alone—dozens of products out there are trying to help you with that goal. But do you really know what you’re shooting for—what a “healthy” vagina actually looks like? Sure, you can assume everything is working like it’s supposed to, but what does it mean

Tracy Anderson’s Diet Tips (and 3 Favorite Recipes)

Tracy Anderson is maybe the only person on earth who could find something to improve on Gwyneth Paltrow’s body (see evidence here) and she’s also responsible for preserving Jennifer Lopez’s famous curves. The creator of the Tracy Anderson Method workout knows how to perfect any body, and working out is only half the battle. She

What The TV Reporter Really Suffered On-Air (Not A Stroke, Thank Goodness!)

Remember the video of CBS reporter Serene Branson, reporting from the Grammys? She suddenly became tongue-tied and couldn’t speak. She looked absolutely terrified and people speculated she’d had a stroke. But there was something else to blame for what happened… Branson had suffered a complex migraine with aura. This wasn’t her first migraine–she says she’s

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex After Having a Baby

The first thing most women think about after having a baby is not usually sex. But at some point in the postpartum period (or maybe while they’re still pregnant), many women start pondering the mechanics of sex after having a baby, and it isn’t always an easy thing to picture. Physically and mentally, sex can

Valentine’s Day Health Idea: Sexy Couples Yoga!

Even if your partner isn’t a diehard yogi, I will basically guarantee that these moves from Jessica Bellofatto of KamaDeva Yoga will be a game-changer. Here’s the proof: a) just look at these pictures (OK, you’re right: everything looks better on the beach–especially when it’s the Amansala Eco Chic Resort in Tulum, Mexico, which I